Building a foundation for learning,
one brick at a time

Here at the Center for Natural Integrated Learning, we put your child first and create an entire network of support. From tutoring, to working directly with psychiatrists and other providers, Ms. Colgate goes above and beyond to provide the most specialized care for your child, no matter the circumstances.


How is CNIL Different


  • Certified ESE Specialist
  • Parent
  • Advocate


  • Build a team of experts
  • Resources and instruction
  • Specialized for your child


  • Knowledge is power
  • Experience is crucial
  • Heart & Compassion is essential

Mission Statement

Child-Centered Instruction. As a parent of a 29-year-old with Autism and Type I Diabetes, I have worn the hat of both parent and educator. Understanding the educational system and matching the needs of each individual is critical to a successful journey; developing, learning, and succeeding in both the educational environment, home, and the future of each individual. Working with individuals with multiple disabilities is my specialty. Patience is my virtue. My passion is working with education and experience networking different services available: building a team, while guiding and teaching each individual student.


Set Your Child Up for Success


Services Offered



Learning Disabilities



Intellectual Disabilities


Let's Build a Foundation Together

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CNIL Testimonials

"I have been with Ms. Colgate since 4th grade, prior to her classroom at southside I attended a Montessori school and was easily distracted needless to say I was extremely behind, under a two-year period Ms. Colgate had me entirely caught up. Our relationship didn’t end after I was doing well academically, she helped with all aspects of life. I am now graduating from high school and I consider her a second mother."

Lotus N H Bolan
"Ms. Colgate welcomed my son into her room, when he was failing in the other classroom. She patiently worked to get him motivated, and taught him strategies to help with his reading comprehension. She was patient and persistent. She also tutored him during the summer and when I called for help after he went to Middle School, she drove to our home and worked with my son. In one semester, she had taught him how to track his work, learn to understand what was expected, how to take his notes, organize his classes, and with everyone’s help, he began to succeed. This May, three years later, my son graduated 8th grade with almost straight A’s and received 2 awards - Certificate of Achievement for Critical Thinking and an award for excellent student 8th Grade Science. Without Laurel’s guidance and building the foundation he needed, this may not have happened. Thank you!"
"Ms. Laurel was referred to us. We needed help. My son was 9 years old, starting third grade and could not read the first word. He sat at the back of the room playing. She helped with the School. Proper testing and identification with an Individual Education Plan, there at every meeting. Laurel helped navigate getting health insurance, referrals to the proper doctors, and his disabilities identified so services could be received. She wrote up reports and went to different doctors so he could get help. She found a great occupational therapist and helped us learn to change behaviors and develop good ones in their place. During the last 19 months, Laurel has taught my son to read, write, and begin to understand math. She has tutored him virtually and in-person and he has started to read 2nd grade books. We don’t know what we would have done without her help."
“My daughter spent 2 ½ years with Ms. Colgate in Elementary School. Due to some medical conditions, my daughter struggles with reading and other subjects. When we looked for placement in a good Middle School setting, I was not getting anywhere. Ms. Colgate researched and helped with my daughter being accepted into the VPA Art program in our District. She is a very good artist. She is happy, learning at her own pace and getting fabulous instruction with her Art talent. We needed the help during her school instruction and afterwards to have a successful Middle School experience.”

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