All services start with determining the strengths and weaknesses your child is experiencing.  Questions enlightening their functional abilities help to determine the sequence of needs to be addressed.   Helping find medical coverage, supporting medical professionals and therapists, school records, and most important the feedback from family members.  Then we roll up our sleeves and establish a plan, build a team and address:  how, when and what we need to do to build a solid foundation for learning and success.

One-on one or small group instruction to develop reading and writing skills to promote understanding the details and comprehension of text.  

Tutoring to close the grade level learning gap with successful strategies and tools to help your child build the necessary foundational skills to succeed in school with reading, writing and math.

Parent guidance and strategies to reinforce the behaviors we want necessary to learn and enjoy our home and school.

Parent/Child Advocate

Free one hour initial session to meet, assess and determine if CNIL can meet the needs of your child.

Help with navigating the educational system for learning disabilities:

Assist in developing appropriate individual education plan (iep) goals and accommodations necessary to receive the best school support within the classroom.

Assist in determining which resources, programs, and available organizations fit the needs of your child to build a team.


Certificate University of Florida, International Dyslexic Association: Certified Interventionist

Instruction and Interventions for Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia.

Intensive, explicit, sequential instruction with proven multi-sensory strategies to improve sound word recognition, phonics, spelling, writing, comprehension, and math skills. Ultimately becoming fluent readers and writers and acquiring strategies to become mathematicians.

Assist in developing appropriate individual education plan (IEP) goals and accommodations necessary to receive the best school support within the classroom.

Assist in determining which resources, programs, and available organizations fit the needs of your child to build a team.

Tutoring to close the grade level learning gap with successful strategies and tools to help your child build the necessary foundational skills to succeed in school with reading, writing and math.

Tutoring sessions both virtual and in person.


Proven Tools and Strategies to assist with Organization, Schedules, Flexibility, Task completion, Focus, Behavior, Language Development and Social Skills. Visual schedules, graphic organizers…

Assist in developing appropriate individual education plan (IEP) goals and accommodations necessary to receive the best school support within the classroom.

Assist in determining which resources, programs, and available organizations fit the needs of our child to build a team.

Tutoring to close the grade level learning gap with successful strategies and tools to help your child build the necessary foundational skills to succeed in school with reading, writing and math.

Tutoring sessions both virtual and in person.

Learning Disabilities:

Florida Department of Education Teaching Certification- Kindergarten through 12th Grade ESE and Reading Certified . Masters in Reading University of South Florida

Assistance with Identification, Resources, Graphic organizers, Academic strategies to improve comprehension, writing, and math.

Assist in developing appropriate individual education plan (IEP) goals and accommodations necessary to receive the best school support within the classroom.

Assist in determining which resources, programs, and available organizations fit the needs of our child to build a team.

Tutoring to close the grade level learning gap with successful strategies and tools to help your child build the necessary foundational skills to succeed in school with reading, writing and math.

Tutoring sessions both virtual and in person.


Positive behavioral systems to help manage impulsive behaviors.

Proven Tools and Strategies to assist with Organization, Schedules, Task completion, Focus, Behavior

Assist in developing appropriate goals and accommodations for a 504 school plan necessary to receive the best school support within the classroom.

Tutoring to close the grade level learning gap with successful strategies and tools to help your child build the necessary foundational skills to succeed in school with reading, writing and math.

Tutoring sessions both virtual and in person.


Certificate University of Florida,  International Dyslexic Association: Certified Interventionist and Classroom Literacy Specialist. Masters in Reading University of South Florida

Intensive, explicit, sequential instruction with proven multi-sensory strategies to develop and improve, phonemic awareness, sound word recognition, phonics, spelling, and writing:  ultimately becoming fluent readers.  There is a scope and sequence to developing the correct brain pathways to hear, process and then read-write the correct letters and sounds acquiring the fundamental skills necessary to read and comprehend text.  This process has been scientifically developed with the aid of researchers all over the World in conjunction with the International Dyslexic Association.

Tutoring sessions both virtual and in person.

Intellectual Disabilities:

Certificate University of South Florida, Florida Department of Education Teaching Certification- Kindergarten through 12th Grade ESE.

Curriculum in Intellectual Disabilities- Assess Points.

Assist in developing appropriate individual education plan (IEP) goals and accommodations necessary to receive the best school support within the classroom.

Assist in determining which resources, programs, and available organizations fit the needs of our child to build a team. 

Tutoring to close the grade level learning gap with successful strategies and tools to help your child build the necessary foundational skills to succeed in school with reading, writing and math.

Tutoring sessions both virtual and in person.

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